This not about politics or the current political climate in the USA. But it is about Sources of Information. Guilty on this end of the making the first visit to You Tube to find information. Based on a Research Study I conducted while in Grad School, I found most people retain information when they hear and see information at the same time. Yes, it was a for a Marketing class. You Tube is that venue where you can see and hear stuff at the same time. Need I also mention -- most of us tend to look for the easiest path. Boom, Click on You Tube and we are watching the subject we wanted, When I purchased the Seeed Xiao RP2040, You Tube was the 1st stop. I had a link to that video in an earlier blog post. In that video, you were provided a link to a download for the Board Manager. It simply did not work! Then the unthinkable -- I went to the Seeed Studio website and found this. There it was DON'T USE THIS! My time is really limited and a day's allotment was wasted b...