Ham Radio used to be synonymous with home constructed radios! This Project will soon be winding down! Listen to N6QW and his daughter Gina, discuss the music business. An easy listen and an opportunity to hear Pete discuss a subject outside of ham radio. Yes, he is a genius! https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/Giy1JZWD7xb Update 5-13-2023. XYL in Hospital No work being done on the 10M SSB right now as I spend a majority of my time at the Healthcare facilities attending to the care of the XYL. Last night well into the early morning hours I was at the local ER with the wifey. I only regret that I didn't wear my beret as I found that to be the #1 Chick Magnet. But there are some interesting tools to be found in the ER like the no touch thermometer. Then of course there is this jewel. A unique Urine collection system! This is the equivalent to having a vacuum pump placed between the holidays with deference to the YL who named one leg Christmas and the other ...