An Alternative to Amateur Radio -- Politics June 25th Update.
What to do when you can't do Ham Radio?
Now bidding on eBay
Update June 25th, 2023. Trump's buddy and idol, Putin, has been labeled as "WEAK"!
The update says it all and that is a key point!
Update June 24th. Putin, Trump's Buddy, has a problem.
Who would have thought that someone could really challenge Vladmir Putin? Most who have done so have mysteriously fallen out of 9th story hotel rooms. (A standard remedy for any dissident in Russia.)
But today someone has called Putin's bluff and Russia is in turmoil. This is not unlike Jack Smith calling Trump's bluff less the tanks and private army. The Putin/Challenger tussle is not over -- keep looking at all 9 story hotels in Byelorussia for any falling objects resembling bodies.
Once we pass through the Trump Circus where there is a good chance of his being found guilty based on the evidence, what will the likes of Senators Graham and Rubio and Congressmen McCarthy and Jordan have to say about his conviction. Certainly, they will cry witch hunt, but the judicial system will have carried out no man is above the law.
Dictators often suffer a sad end. Just ask Mussolini who was hung upside down and shot! Hitler took his own life, and many modern dictators are still in prison. But in the end, they are ultimately removed from their position of power.
Trump should take a plea deal as his fate is headed down the paths of others just like him. But perhaps in a twist of the irony the self-proclaimed deal maker of all times won't even be offered a deal. Karma is a bitch!
We have a new acronym (courtesy of Bill Barr) and that is TIT. (Trump Is Toast!)
This new hobby is exciting to see world history unfold before our eyes. This could rival your report is 5X9 and 73's, QRZ?
Pete N6QW
My ham radio activities have been severely impacted because of a family situation. I just celebrated my 64th anniversary of continuously being a licensed ham operator. I have held every class of license less the Conditional which may not be a valid license today. My call signs include KN3IXU, K3IXU, KM6DD (Midway Island), W7FFL, W6JFR and now N6QW.
Being somewhat obsessive compulsive, I have designed and built over 50 SSB transceivers. Several of these are published articles in publications like QRP Quarterly and the G-QRP Club SPRAT. I am also a member of the QRPARCI Hall of Fame.
One design stands out and that is the creation of a solid-state version of the Collins KWM-2 which I call the KWM-4. Yes, it can be tuned with a Keypad!
Sadly, there just is no time (with my daily caregiver duties) to take on new projects let alone get on the air. So, I have reconciled my future with a new hobby -- Politics.
Since I drive back and forth to the Board and Care home every day, I have an ample opportunity to listen to the cable news stations. The explosive political environment dividing our nation provides ample grist for the mill. The most glaring fact -- supposedly educated people (and lawyers) showing their lack thereof. Several are US Senators!
Then of course we have the Trump circus, where it is posited, there is strong possibility he is going to jail. I ask will the Secret Service have to spend time in jail too.
Then there is the "lady" from Georgia who is in charge of the House of Representatives. Kevin may think he is in charge but that remains an open question.
See, the transition has been almost seamless to the new hobby. A local ham yesterday picked up some of my deeply discounted treasures and he had a great bumper sticker on his car which had a photo of a notable political figure with the caption MORON. He too must have taken up the alternative hobby.
The sale of the Drake Stuff (less the TR-7 and TR-3) funded a new wheelchair for the XYL. So, while we have swords into plow shares, I have ham gear into medical appliances.
Some advice from an OT (me). I have boxes of parts for projects that will never happen. So don't buy parts for projects that will never materialize. Resist buying ham gear where you buy high and sell low. I have been able to move about 1/3 of my boat anchor collection and in two cases the shipping cost alone exceeded my price.
In effect I paid several hams to purchase one of my boat anchors. The other two thirds of the treasure trove remain in the not interested pile. I had myopic vision when I bought a lot of this gear.
My 64-year time horizon is an impediment. I was an active ham when the SBE-33 came on the market in 1962, and it was a wonder. A ham licensed for 20 years today was not even born in 1962. Thus, my sentimental attachment to such rigs has no meaning with the current set of hams. Resist buying the old rigs as they have no future market value.
We will see even further divisions in our country as the 2024 elections move forward and that is sad. But unless you tune in and sort the out the crap, we all will be victims. Just imagine the "lady" from Georgia having the nuclear codes.
Pete N6QW