Boat Anchor Sale Update June 15, 2023 .

Boat Anchor Sale!

June 15th, Update. Just in case you forgot about Mary Jo in the back seat of the 57 VW Beetle.

While I have built many homebrew transceivers, I also have indulged in purchasing some (many) old boat anchors. But now I find given the health of the XYL, it is time to thin the herd. There just isn't enough time to be a caregiver and be involved with ham radio.

The boat anchors which I soon will be offering, will be deeply discounted and therefore sold as "for parts or for restoration" with no guarantee nor can be returned. Because of shipping costs, sales will be limited to the continental US and no foreign sales. Pricing includes SHIPPING! All sales FINAL. PayPal is the method of payment.

The items will include radios from Drake, Swan, Ten Tec, National Radio, SBE, Tempo 1, Hallicrafters, Heathkit, WRL and Collins. Most of these radios have not been powered on for some time thus the deep discount and no guarantee to work out of the box. Consider these as tech specials for parts or restoration. All are sold without a power supply, power cord or microphone. These are being sold "For Parts and/or Restoration", sold "as is" and no returns. Pricing INCLUDES shipping.

I will add the shipped price once photos of all equipment have been added to this posting. My apologies but I have very limited time. I should have all photos/pricing uploaded in about two to three days. 

Swan SW-175 (Bargain Basement) $125

ICOM IC735 plus ICOM Automatic Antenna Tuner (Works with the IC7-35)

SBE-33 #1 $150

SBE-33 #2  $150

This SBE-33 had a blown meter which I replaced with a meter from an SBE-34, The blue meter outline was CNC Milled and is a piece of scrap PC Board and then painted Juliano Blue. You really have to know stuff to do this kind of stuff! Case has an area with the paint removed.

SBE-33 #3 $75 Sale Pending

This one is shown without a case but does come with a case.

[Note about the SBE-33's --inside is a Collins 455 kHz Mechanical Filter.]

National Radio NCX-3 (Tri-Band) $150

National Radio NCX-200 (5 Band) $195

Collins KWM-1 S/N 954 (late version) $850

Heathkit HW-32 (Donor Unit) $50

WRL 80/40 Dou-Bander. $150

80/40/ Duo-Bander. It does have a case.
It has a pair of 6HF5's in the output.

Most units are in fair to good cosmetic condition and would make good candidates for restoration. Many have not been powered up in some time and possibly operational but are being listed as for parts and/or restoration with absolutely no guarantee to work out of the box. 

The pricing is deeply discounted and includes shipping so there is little flexibility in lowering the shipped price. Rather than ship this stuff off to the land fill, I am in hopes of finding a new home for these jewels of the past.

Use my email address if you have any interest. I will provide detailed photos of any item of interest. 

BTW starting in June, my caregiver activities will place an even greater demand on my time. So, buying any new boat anchors or building any hardware is way off of my table. In this case, out of sight is out of mind rings so true.

What a rotten way to end a 64-year-old hobby? I have lived through a period of time when a 100-watt AM/CW transmitter was two racks of equipment. One rack was just the power supplies. Now, modern SDR 100-watt transceivers weigh a few pounds and have a really small footprint. Been there and have done that! 

There is a bit of comfort knowing that quite a few of my homebrew SSB transceiver designs have resulted in published articles in QRP Quarterly and the G-QRP Club SPRAT. So, in all, not a bad ride, but soon to be scaled way down.

Pete N6QW

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