Happy 4th of July. How to solve the Supreme Court Problem!

[Karma is a bitch. Now Harvard is being sued for Legacy Discrimination using the recent Supreme Court Decision as the basis in law. Just when you thought you got rid of Affirmative Action. You have to love it when Thomas and Alito screw up!]

Hey, Joe Biden, an input to you on how to work through the system to solve the lopsided 6:3 court.  You have two paths -- you can raise the bridge or lower the water. One of those solutions is a bridge too high and regrettably you are already starting on that path of raising that bridge. 

A perhaps better solution is a page from the MAGA Republican Playbook is offered below:

  1. Get Re-elected!
  2. Use The ALCU, Planned Parenthood, the NAACP, the Sandy Hook, Parkland, and Uvalde Survivors add other activist organizations like our US College Students* to step up the pressure and "out" Alito and Thomas based on their "questionable outside interests". Raise the pressure so that the only course for them is to resign. [*Read up on Mario Savio at UC Berkley.]
  3. Add two reasonable replacement Justices whose views are diverse and inclusive.
  4. Revisit the bad decisions from the six and Make America Whole Again (MAWA) by reversing their questionable work!

What a sham -- 6 people who substitute their personal partisan political views for those of the majority of Americans.  An IRS Audit of the 6 sure is a great 1st step. 

A majority of Americans have a very negative view of the Roberts Court, and the actions by these 6 Justices during the last week only confirms and cements their low approval rating perhaps even driving it to below ZERO.

Instead of adding to the court, pick off the two who have their past actions as a basis of removal. You would be lowering the water!

To the 770,000 US Hams take your nose out of the ICOM IC7300 Menu Manual and get involved. Next, those 6 Conservative Republicans will be coming after your ham bands. Then it is too late! 

You don't think that could happen -- well all it takes is some rich Republican Donor who sees the 20 Meter Band and above as having some financial return and you are toast. It is suggested that the 8 Meter band won't happen here either because somebody figured out, they needed 45 MHz for some project.

Get off the couch and get involved! 

Do we have a Supreme Court or a Kangaroo court?

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