1-2-2024: Tips on Picking Up YL's

 The Accidental Discovery Process

Many great products or results we enjoy often happen by accident. The kid friendly "Popsicle" is a great example. Often something is being pursued for one purpose only to suddenly find its use in something entirely different. Duct Tape and WD-40  are two other examples -- I have a primary and back up stock of both of those.

I now offer another one of those miracle products -- the European Beret AKA Chick Magnet.
Yesterday I spent a 10 hour shift  in the ER  with the OL who once again is back in the hospital. She had been released on December 31 and regrettably too soon. The long wait in the ER is a "No room at the Inn" story. 
I left about 4PM to get some paperwork they needed and to grab a bite to eat. I planned to return by 6PM and on the way out the door grabbed my Beret as I knew it would be cold when I would leave later that night. Cold here after dark has been about 50F. 
Well 8PM and still no room so I made a decision to leave as  there was every indication she was not getting a room that night. While there incidentally, I designed not one but two SSB transceiver projects in my head.
I stopped by the Nurses Station to let them know  I was leaving and to insure they had my contact number. As I sauntered up to the large front desk there were a cluster of YL nurses as it was shift change. 
I didn't even speak when one of the YL Nurses said "I Love your Beret" followed by several others nodding/commenting an affirmation. Boom once again, an accidental discovery,  I wanted to keep my head warm and just got to meet about 6 YL's. Oh, where is that 57 VW Beetle now?
Now in case anyone tried to load the Board Manager for the Seeed Studio RP2040. The URL in the YouTube Video simply does not work.  
Thanks to Todd, K7TFC we now have the source for many of the RP2040 boards so use the process  below and it is just like a pair of Lady's Pantyhose -- it will cover most of the variants. 
Although I was chided by a UK Ham for that comment about panty hose as I was thinking old school. He offered that most YL's don't wear panty hose or anything else for that mater under their clothes -- his words: They follow the Boy Scout Motto "Be Prepared". Or maybe the Military Semper Paratus. I think that means Always Prepared. Just reporting what was shared with me!
There are Three steps necessary to load the Seeed Board. Step 1, is to call up the Arduino IDE . I tried this on 1.8.5 and 1.8.18 and it works on both.
Once there, Click on the File Tab and under Preferences type in the following in the Additional Boards URL Block. I left out a "/" between global and package and thanks to Todd, identified my old eyesight as the problem.

In case you can't read this the entry it is as follows:

Next Step 2 navigate to the Board Manager and type in the search block rp2040 and you will see the entry for the item typed into the Preferences Page.

This was staggering to see the number of boards that are added to your list of boards. So, the Seeed Studio Xiao RP2040 is in the list. At less than $6 and 133 MHz speed -- it will certainly be seen in a lot of ham radio projects

Step 3 is the most life changing critical one and follow this
In review we have discovered today how to pick up women with a simple item of clothing. I did note a few of the nurses have some tattoos and wondered about the ones you don't see like the other day in the ER. We have also learned about how to load the Boards for the Seeed RP2040 and are provided a life changing critical link.
Pete N6QW


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